The 2023 Woodpeckers Annual Dinner and Awards was held at the Alma last Friday. We celebrated a fantastic season which was the most exciting in living memory. 5 of the 1st 6 games went to a one or two wicket victory, many last over and then in June we had two ties in a row which was statistically a 10,000-1 shot and very very exciting. We also won ten games and lost 6, so an excellent return.
We also welcomed some fabulous new players to the club both in terms of talent and character, and it was great to have so many of them at the dinner mixing with the old guard. Thanks to Borgav and Murphy who did a brilliant job with photos and videos
Ducky won the Brian Scovell Pulitzer Prize for best Match Report, and also became we think the most senior chap to ever play for the Peckers…a miracle of modern science. I quote ‘ But it was a joy just to be out there and this may just be a sentimental old fart talking but there is something special about a Woodies team – here we were, 2 debutants, a blast from the past and all change from last week and yet the instant bond of the love for the game and the right way to play it warmed the cockles of this heart. Floreat Picidae!’
KwaKKa wins the Billingsgate Catch of the Season prize for his incredible grab off a hideous Cousin David knee high lob that was smashed low and hard and he dived and caught it inches off the ground. It turned our1st game of the season at Ripley and perhaps kicked off the amazing events that were to follow,
Otto was a tie for best report with his Shakespearian muse from Brook, He also won the Shylock most economical bowler award, and the Kindly Bueno award for helping the Skipper -Trophy Management and General Admin support
Pirrate on Deck with four young and dangerous crew-mates
LP wrote a great and kindly speech read by son Borgav. I had to down a large glass of Pinot Noir and it got a bit hazy after that
Kamikaze wins the Mother Theresa ‘selfless award’ for running himself out at Peppard to get Kwakka’s godson in to bat
Deggsy enjoys a ‘Red with Ched’ as Kwakka tries to cheer up Merry
The lovely Audrey Scovell was adored for her Support, Enthusiasm and Laughter. Snax aka Tuggimypudda encapsulated these qualities.
The Chris Rossi ‘Clubman’ Award is a huge award and goes to someone who does a lot for the club and is loved by All, The Cat aka Bagpuss fits the Rossi mould perfectly. He has really helped with engraving trophies, unbridled enthusiasm and providing hilarious moments on and off the pitch -Rossi would have loved him
Doby, The Whizz, Pobs and your ever smiling and top draw camera-man Murphy
Spinach won the Geoff Boycott Award for the greatest innings, his 69 at Ripley in front of his full clan. In case of ladies viewing I was going to leave out his Spinach Mangina…oh what the hell …I put it up there but Spinach doubly requested a deletion so added it to the archives
GK Smeagol wins the Shawshank Redemption Award -He came back from scores of 0,8,13 to stike 55 off 38 balls at Kew in front of Mother Marmalade, and then came back from a very scratchy start in the crucial Peckers Peckers climax wher he was nicknamed ‘Hacksaw Ridge’ by his Shawshank competitor Traaash. He went on to strike Traash for 6 into the Railway Line in the last over, sealing the game
Moleman was sent to A and E at 5pm on the evening of the dinner with Chest Pains, but recovered to make it a few hours late and is held aloft by a jubilant Otto Spinach opening combo
And thanks goodness as he was the clear Woodpecker of the Year. The Woodpeckers scored two centuries all season both from the bat of Moleman with the leading average of 44 and top runscorer. He also kept beautifully with 5 catches at Kew the highlight and helped trying to get flatmate Trash out of bed after some late finishes. A Great All-Round Winner Moleman!
Thanks to everyone who came and helped and made it such a fantastic Peckers Dinner. It’s the 1st dinner we’ve ever had a report for it was that good. Roll on a wonderful 2023 season!